The Social and Biomechanical Determinants of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Diseases by Gender

This post is part of a series of opinion pieces in diverse mediums focusing on the theme “What can we do to address inequities in Global Health?” These submissions are by McGill students who were part of the course PPHS 511 Fundamentals of Global Health in Fall 2022.

Carla Torres is a 2nd year Master's student in Occupational Health at McGill who worked for over 15 years as an Occupational Physician in her country, Brazil.

As part of her Master’s, under the supervision of McGill’s Professor Dr. Susan Stock, Carla was an intern at the Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec (INSPQ), where she conducted a systematic literature review on "Gender differences in work exposures associated with Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders".

This video is based on the work Carla did at the INSPQ, her previous work experience, and the knowledge she gained during the Global Heath program conducted by Dr. Madhukar Pai.