Access to healthcare in the Gaza Strip

an interview with Nabihah Muqtsdir, Fundraising Operations Coordinator at Islamic Reliefs Canada

By Fahima Khan and Mahua Nath

This post is part of a series of opinion pieces in diverse mediums focusing on the theme “What can we do to address inequities in Global Health?” These submissions are by McGill students who were part of the course PPHS 511 Fundamentals of Global Health in Fall 2022.

The Gaza Strip in Palestine has been torn apart throughout the past decades by numerous devastating violent conflicts which have rendered local citizens unable to access basic resources such as medical aid. Thus, we spoke directly to the Fundraising Operations Coordinator at Islamic Relief Canada (IRC), Nabihah Muqtsdir, to learn more about how they are working towards providing access to healthcare resources in such conflict-ridden regions.

Mahua Nath is currently finishing her degree in Honours Political Science at McGill. Her aspirations include attending law school post undergrad to acquire a Juris Doctor degree in hopes of working at the United Nations fighting for international human rights as a human rights lawyer. 

Fahima Afsari Khan is currently graduating with a Bachelors in Honours Neuroscience at McGill University. She aspires to pursue a career in healthcare post undergraduate studies, alongside conducting research in related fields.